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Winter Wear and Cold Weather PPE***********USE KEYWORD "COLD"


Manufacturer: North by Honeywell
16 Ounce double eyewash station is ideal for a small office with a few employees or a large manufacturing facility with hundreds of workers, the risk of dust particles or small foreign objects finding their way into someone's eyes is always present. The fastest and only safe first aid treatment is to flush with a sterile buffered solution. Radians double safety eyewash stations contains two 16 oz. bottles of the highest quality sterile, buffered eye irrigate available. Since a bottle should not be re-used after it has been opened, refills are also available at a very modest price.

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  • Product Styles

    Qty. Item # Description Price
    FKEREW16D Double 16 Ounce Eyewash Station $45.00 / each
    FKEF454 16 Ounce Refill Bottle $11.00 / bottle